Helios Class Solar Satellite

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Helios Class Solar Satellite
Production information
Ore Cost


Crystal Cost


Hydrogen Cost


Technical specifications
Cargo capacity


Base Speed





The solar satellite is a stationary ship that orbits the planet on which it was built, beaming back down energy. A cheap alternative to the Solar Plant and Nuclear Power Plant, it provides energy for a good price.

The major disadvantage to a solar satellite is its vulnerability. Since it is stationary, it cannot be fleet saved. It also takes very little firepower to kill, and every ship in the game has rapid fire against it, making it one of the easiest ships in the game to destroy. It also makes an attractive target for the salvage of the crystal debris it leaves after a battle.

Energy Production

The energy produced by a solar satellite is based on the amount of solar energy received by the planet. This is reflected by the planetary temperature. The more solar energy, the hotter the planet. Thus the output of a solar satellite can be computed from the maximum temperature of the planet, using the following equation:

Output =   0.25 * Maximum Temperature   + 20

Note: It appears the game rounds this number down to the nearest whole number.

Note that the farther a planet is away from the sun, the cooler it tends to be. Thus solar satellites around planets farther from the sun (e.g. the higher numbered planets) tend to have lower energy output. For instance, a planet 1 in a solar system may yield 41 power from its solar satellites whereas a planet 15 could produce only 8 (these are examples). Obviously, solar satellites produce the same amount of energy for each satellite independent of how many satellites you already have in orbit.

In the case of the coldest known planet (-88°C) the output of the solar satellite is only a meager 4 energy, the hottest known planet (100°C) produces a massive 45 energy.



Ore: 0
Crystal: 2,000
Hydrogen: 500


Hull Rating: 200
Shield Rating: 1
Weapons Rating: 1
Cargo Capacity: 0
Base Speed: 0
Hydrogen Consumption: 0

Rapid Fire

Against Helios
Charon Class x 0
Zeus Class x 1250
All Others x 5


Capitol 2
Shipyard 1
Helios Class Solar Satellite

See Also


Ship List

Ships in Starfleet Commander

Other Utility Ships Dionysus Class Recycler - Gaia Class Colony Ship - Genesis Class Solar Satellite
Helios Class Solar Satellite - Hermes Class Probe - Shadow Probe - Triton Class Recycler - Zagreus Class Recycler
Transports Atlas Class Cargo - Carmanor Class Cargo - Charon Class Transport - Hercules Class Cargo
Starfighters Artemis Class Fighter - Apollo Class Fighter - Empusa Class Fighter - Erebus Class Fighter - Magnon Class Fighter - Mantus Class Fighter - Vortex Class Fighter
Light Capital Warships Cirrus Class Cruiser - Curetes Class Cruiser - Poseidon Class Cruiser - Typhon Class Cruiser
Medium Capital Warships Athena Class Battleship - Hades Class Battleship - Moros Class Battleship
Heavy Capital Warships Prometheus Class Destroyer - Thanatos Class Destroyer
Other Warships Ares Class Bomber - Hephaestus Class Attack Platform - Pallas Class Bomber - Zeus Class