Pierce's Space Marines (PSM)

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Marines flag.jpg

Welcome to our alliance!

Pierce's Space Marines were formed in tribute to a fallen comrade from the Real Earth. We fight on in his name, striving to bring order and honor to a cutthroat universe. We are open to new members who are eager to expand, willing to obey our guidelines, and able to lend a hand to struggling neighbors.

We occasionally sing battle songs, as well.




  • Commandant: Leader
  • Assistant Commandant: Co-Leader


  • Force Commander: In command of all military forces
  • Fleet Commander - In command of individual military actions or wars. (In the future this post will be arranged into a command over a 15-20 galaxy sector)
  • Galactic Commander - In command of individual galaxies (FUTURE)


  • Director of Foreign Relations - Responsible for all communications with other alliances
  • Assistant Director of Foreign Relations - Ambassador For Peace
  • Assistant Chief of Foreign Relations – Ambassadors to individual alliances
  • Director of Intelligence - Responsible for internal and external intelligence
  • Director of Internal Security – Responsible for … CENSORED … TOP SECRET …
  • Director of Recruiting - Responsible for recruiting
  • Assistant of Recruiting – Responsible for recruitment in a individual galaxy
  • Director of Warfare Development - Responsible for the development and safety of new recruits
  • Assistant Director of Warfare Development - Responsible for the development and safely of new recruits
  • Chief Information Officer - Responsible for the alliance's Wiki page

-All military commanders must hold the rank of General and are appointed by the Commandant and approved by the Assistant Commandant.

-Directors are required to hold the rank of General and are appointed by the Commandant and approved by the Assistant Commandant.

-Assistants (except for Assistant Commandant) maybe be held by any member, regardless of rank, and are appointed by the respective department head.

-Chiefs maybe fulled by any member, regardless of rank.

-An individual person can hold more than one position.


Lunar base.png
  • -Commandant – Hark
  • -Assistant Commandant – Spencer Sanders
  • -Forces Commander – tribbel
  • -Director of Foreign Relations – Snowey
  • -Assistant Director of Foreign Relations – Commander T'Pow
  • -Director of Intelligence – Jeffrey Koenen
  • -Director of Internal Security – Bullitt
  • -Director of Recruiting – OPEN
  • -Director of Warfare Development – Nohj Spikeson
  • -Chief Information Officer – John Gideon Hawkins


  • The following list is always open for expansion.
Non-Aggression Pacts
Alliance Tag
Tau'ri Tau'ri
Imperial Systems Syndicate I.S.S.
New Liberty (Liberty) Liberty
Andorian Imperial Guard AIG
Unimatrix Zero UniMat0
Disciples Of Muad'Dib Based On
Star Alliance Star
The Roman Empire TRE
Confederacy of Independent Systems C-I-S
Legio XIII Legio 13
The Next Step FIRST ST
The Futurists Alliance TFA
Drago-Kazov Drago
Thasian Coalition for the Progression of Knowledge (TCPK) TCPK
Schmalkaldischer Bund SchmBund
Spacing Guild (Spice) Spice
The Good Guys (T.G.G.) T.G.G.
Systems Commonwealth High Guard Vedran
S.T.A.R.S of the Milkyway Milkyway
Off Limit Alliances
Alliance Tag
A new Hope New Hope ALL Galaxies
Jaynestown *Firefly
Summerlund Kai
Vin Man
Commander Sprayberry


  • A honorable person doesn't kick someone who is down. Therefore, we will not attack any commander that is in (!) mode. Unless, they are on the 'PSM hit list' or PSM is currently at war with their alliance.
  • Generals and Colonels - may attack who they want when they want with out clearance.
  • Majors - you are limited to any alliance that has less than 150 members.
  • Captains - are limited to alliances with less than 50 members.
  • Lieutenants – are limited to alliances that are smaller than PSM
  • Midshipmen – are limited to inactives only. Treat them as actives and practice your skills.
  • You may attack any inactive player, including our own, they are fair game with out permission. If you do attack an inactive PSM, you are to return the resources if they player returns.
  • Once you attack someone, leave them alone for a couple days. Let them lick their wounds. Maybe even explain why you attacked. “Sorry, but you forgot to fleet save.” We had a few people join our alliance after they were attacked by us.
  • Show civility, even to our enemies.

Please use your heads when attacking active players. We don't need to, and sometimes can't, come rushing to your aid because you attacked someone you didn't do your homework on. Look around the area. Do they have a lot of alliance members around, do you have a lot of alliance members around. Is it a sure victory or are you just hoping for the best. They may turn on lower ranked PSM to revenge their lose.

When asking for permission, you must provide the General you are asking the following information:

1. Your location and their location.

2. Their alliance name and size.

3. Why you want to attack them.

4. Any other pertinent info like members around you and them.

Tips and Tricks

Best tips: read up on

Songs of Battle

Hades class.png
True warriors sing.
True warriors sing to excite the blood before battle.
True warriors sing to remember the fallen.
True warriors sing because chicks dig it.

True warriors will already know the tune to this song:

"How much is that Hades in the shipyard?
The one with the round fiery hull.
How much is that Hades in the shipyard?
It looks like a doughnut from hell!"

Edited By:

--John Gideon Hawkins 23:51, 24 May 2010 (UTC)

--Nohj Spikeson 11:32, 15 May 2010 (EST)