True Klingon (Bat'leth)

From Starfleet Commander
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Our Identity And Origin

Thlingon Mah! We are the True Klingon Alliance (tag: "Bat'leth" after the traditional Klingon weapon first forged by Emperor Kahless). We are a collection of dedicated RPGers from around the world who, for the most part, were the elite warriors of the Klingon Black Fleet. We have now formed our own house where we dedicate ourselves to Klingon honor, family, and glorious battle! Though it may sound odd to some, our alliance is more like a family than a collection of strangers who are playing a game.

Our Purpose In The Game

Battle! When possible our alliance fights as a group, engaging in both group defends and attacks. When this is not possible or practical, each member of Bat'leth is still a predator, seeking out targets on his/her own. We live by the motto, "No fleetsave = no fleet." Many have fallen to our fury; many more shall fall! Everyone who is not an ally is potentially a target. We are Klingons of the True Klingon House – battle is “what we do.”

Our Organization

The Chancellor is the supreme commander of the True Klingon Alliance. He or she is the final authority on all matters pertaining to the alliance. The Chancellor is supported and guided by the assistance of a High Council which includes various offices including Security, Diplomacy, and Training officers. Other officers serve as Quadrant Commanders. All offices and officers ultimately exist to help alliance members/players succeed in the game.

Since all Klingons are godlike and mighty, the practice of our current Chancellor has been to call for the opinions of the membership before making major decisions. In this respect, the alliance functions much like a democracy. In any case, the opinions of all members are respected and will be heard.

Our Ranks The ranks will be as follows:

0-999 lagh (Warrior 1st Class)

1000-4999 Sogh lagh (Warrior 2nd Class)

5000-9,999 ra'wl' Sogh (Lieutenant)

10,000-24,999 ra'wl' (Commander)

25,000-49,999 HoD (Captain)

50,000-99,999 totlh (Major)

100,000-199,999 cha'Dlch (Colonel)

200,000-299,999 wa'Dlch'aj (Brigadier)

300,000 + yo'aj (General) Invited to sit on High Council (max 21)

Each new member begins as a lagh (Warrior 1st Class) Note: Rank is based upon and reflects one’s DSP (destroyed ship points), not in-game rank.

Our NAPs

We currently maintain NAPs with SFCs several Klingon Alliances as well as other alliances/groups. All NAP requests will be considered but not necessarily granted.

Our Call And Challenge

Star Trek fan? Klingon fan? Want to play Starfleet Commander on a more aggressive level? Want to make some new friends? Our alliance is friendly and our message board contains everything from training tips/advice to humor and the great wisdom of our Klingon Nymph Brigade.

Perhaps the True Klingon Alliance is for you.


potlhbe’chugh yay qatlh pe’’eghlu’.