Taco Workday (TWD)

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Alliance Name: Taco Workday
Alliance Tag: TWD
Genre: none

Taco Workday is a very tightly knit, loose confederation of hard working slackers bent on total galactic domination through hugs, fluffy bunnies and nukes. Taco Workday is 100% composed of low, medium and high ranked players.

There is a persistent rumor that the driving force behind the creation Taco Workday was none other than a very upset five day mold growing in a dark corner of a street taco cart, that had been teased one too many times by a vicious guacamole. True or not, the universe has never been the same since that one horrible day on Tau Alpha Five...

NAP Policy

Once daily between 1300 & 1500.

Raiding Policy


Rank Structure

7 Layer Taco

Steak Taco Supreme

Fajita Taco

99 Cent Taco


One does not simply join into Taco Workday. Its black beans are guarded by more than just forks. There is a seasoning there that does not sleep. The deep fryer is ever watchful. It is a marinated wasteland, riddled with cayenne, salsa, and queso. The very air you emit is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you eat this. It is folly

Rules Taco Workday lives by

1. If you join Taco Workday and then go (i), we will raid you, break your stuff, kill your ships and grab your swag. We will then use that swag to build more ships to continue breaking your stuff, killing your ships and stealing the rest of your swag. Better we have it then AA, Empire or xXx.

2. Remove product from packaging and cut a slit in the film.

3. Heat on high for 3:30 or until a DF spawns.

4. Caution, contents may be hot.

The Kennedy Assasination

The management of Taco Workday categorically denies any involvement, or knowledge of any involvement, in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by any members, past present or future, of Taco Workday.