Starfleet Section 31

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Starfleet Section 31 (SS31) is an alliance founded and led by Robert Crow. Born from the tragedy that destroyed The Krenium Imperium (TKI), Robert gathered what survivors he could and began to rebuild into what would become a top 200 Alliance.

About Us

Official Creed and Motto


We the members of 'Starfleet Section 31' will protect the alliance at all cost. We share one common belief that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Therefore, we all will be strong and we all will give our best to support our fellow members in order to make this alliance elite. According to Article 14, Section 31 of the Starfleet Charter, we will protect and serve, but if called upon or threatened, we will respond with the full might and power of our alliance.


"Protect and serve, if necessary, kill and destroy." 

SS31 in a nutshell

We are working hard to build an organization that will be a strong and formidable player in the universe. Our goal is to create a support structure that can respond to the needs of our members. Whether that requires defending an allied world, coordinating attacks against an overly aggressive enemy, or sending emergency resources to assist in a member's rebuilding efforts. By banding together, we can help each other become stronger players and increase our alliance's strategically influence across the universe.


Our sphere of influence stretches from Galaxy 15 to Galaxy 61. There are some outlying colonies of course in either Direction, and it would be a lie to say we are evenly spaced at any given time over that entire range. What can be said is if the need for the application of force arises, we can and will bring it down wherever it needs to be applied, and we will do so in a timely and efficient manner.


  • Robert Crow: Founder/Leader
  • Peter C. Hans: Chief PR Officer
  • Lord Apophis: Chief Tactical Officer
  • Elfshoes: General Officer
  • Clint Willey: General Officer

Join us

Include in your application

Please include in your application

  • 1.) How you learned of us?
  • 2.) What are your expectations from joining Section 31?
  • 3.) How long have you been playing Starfleet Commander?
  • 4.) How often do you play?
  • 5.) Are you currently or ever been a member of another alliance? If yes, what alliance?
  • 6.) Do you agree to defend the alliance at all cost and to follow the instructions of the SS31 officers if directed to attack, defend, supply, or colonize another planet?

All Applications are processed by the Chief Public Relations Officer, and will not be approved unless you answer all of these questions

Send your application to

If you play using the stand-alone site, you can find us at:

Otherwise a simple Alliance Search for Starfleet Section 31 should turn us up soon enough. (You could also check for us on the leaderboard in the top 200)