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Alliance overview
Alliance Name: EМΡΪRΞ Ŏƒ Ŧħę ΒĻΔÇΚ ŠŲŊ
Alliance Tag: ΒĻΔÇΚŠŲŊ
Founded: 2011-07-06
Leader: The Grizz
Members: 40
Recruiting: Yes
Alliance stats
Alliance Rank: Ruler Class
  Total Average
Overall: 4 5
Building: 4 5
Destroyed Ships: 4 5
Fleet: 4 5
Defense: 5 3
Research: 4 2
Crew: 5 5
War records
Wins Losses Draws
3 0 0
Last updated: 2016-01-18

BlackSun Battle Cruiser

About the Alliance

We are The Empire of The Black Sun! We always have been and always shall be The Empire of The Black Sun! We came from nowhere with only 2 members to be one of the best alliances in Uni 2.

No-one has or will ever issue an order to do anything. You will be asked and YOU decide what YOU will do. All we ask is that we stick together to prove that an alliance can be successful without the few at the top telling you what to do!!! Back up each other if you can, commiserate if you can't. Act with dignity and respect towards the alliance and it's members at all times.

Alliance-Specific Ranks

  • Deathbringer = Leader
  • Strike Force Leader = Officer
  • First Officer = Officer
  • Brigadier General = Officer
  • Major = Officer
  • Captain = Officer
  • Lieutenant = Officer
  • Master Sergeant = NCO
  • Sergeant = NCO
  • Private = Regular Member
  • Senior Leadership Council: The Grizz, ~Spartacus ~, Sgt Patriot, Fighting Bearcat, HuntKillBuryFinn.

Code of Conduct

  • When attacking a player, if they contact you asking you to stop, consider honoring the request.
    • This doesn't apply to the player that has sent you a threatening message however.
  • Show respect especially to those within the alliance. If responding with criticism to an idea, be positive & constructive! Not negative and destructive!!
    • If you can't suggest any alternative, then you probably don't have anything to criticize!
  • Do not respond with nasty words to an enemy. Try rising above it and taking the moral high ground and reasoning with them.
    • If that doesn't work out, ignore them. Don't talk to your food.
  • Farming in-actives ( i ) ( I ) is fine!
  • Attacking "active players" that have left their fleets in Orbit of a planet is fine, since their warships shoot back it is indeed honorable combat!
    After all No Fleetsave = No Fleet. Don't come crying if you forget to FRS.
  • Being attacked while online? Message that you are online and will take measures to prevent it from being profitable
perhaps they will recall, perhaps not
  • If not attempt to set up a Group Defend (GD) if you can and sit back and watch their ships die.
  • If you are attacked because you didn't F.R.S then there is nothing, we as an alliance can do.
  • Before attacking any alliance or player you better make sure that you know how to F.R.S. Happy Hunting.


  • Content of messages between other players, members of the alliance or not, should be civil!
  • No member has permission to mention war as a way to resolve disputes period.
  • War and threats about war should only come from the Leader of the alliance.
  • Any suggestion on fixing things by force should be discussed within the alliance.
BlackSun Battle Cruiser

Group Attacks

  • Attack Groups look for targets of opportunity that have forgotten how to F.R.S correctly.
  • These group's consist of Multinational forces that operate autonomously
    to enforce the NO FRS = No Fleet code.

Probing (Espionage-Spying)

This is a War Game and this fact is important to remember, Probing doesn't necessarily mean that you Will be attacked it is simply Intel gathering.

  • However, Excessive pointless probing of players outside the alliance can be considered harassment as stated in the game rules.
  • Probing of alliance members is allowed under these conditions.
  1. The player is inactive.
  2. The player has requested it.
  3. You received a request from the Leader or an Officer to do so.
  4. There is a large debris cloud, NO NPC and the player is unresponsive to messages.
      • However if you probe an alliance member be sure to send a message stating why.

Membership Requests

BlackSun recruits under the following philosophy - This is a game, YOUR game, YOUR leisure time. Join Blacksun and play the game YOUR way.

  • If you wanted to spend all your time in D mode, fine!!
  • If you chose to attack anything that moves, fine!!
  • If you chose to do a mixture, fine!!

If requesting membership to (ΒĻΔÇΚŠŲŊ) include the following.

  • Planet Location
  • Who Referred you
  • Any Prior Alliance

Designed by Sgt Patriot