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We are the Borg

Ace-Dreadnought is my in game user name. My homeworld coordinates are in g51, and I am a member of UniMatrix Zero. I am currently ~23k top player, but I continue to increase by about 500 rank spots a day. I currently have unlocked almost everything, save for the Zeus ship, Hephaestus, and anything that requires a Moon. I have never once entered diplomacy mode, and never intend to unless I go off to college and can't play as much as I'd like to.

A bit more about me

I am 16 years old, and I home school. I just finished my sophomore year, and am most likely going to take some community college classes in my home town area this coming fall. I am an Independent Baptist Christian, and intend to serve Jesus, my savior, with my life.

I enjoy gaming, and am a Trekkie. [although im not wild about the new movie that came out, as it seamed to mess up the original timeline...] I have Star Trek Online and am a Rear Admiral in it.

I also enjoy fixing errors in the SFC forums, and hope to become one of the top players soon. A moon would be great also, as I could write more in the forums about it [the current description is a lil vague]. I also would like to build a Hephaestus attack platform as soon as I can, and write about it in the forums as well [once again, its description is very vague]


If you wish to join our alliance, we would love to have you. We serve with honor, and constantly assist clan-mates. Once again, we are UniMatrix Zero. If you want to join, list your homeworld's coordinates and tell them that I, Ace-Dreadnought, invited you.