UniMatrix Zero (UniMat0)

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UniMatrix Zero (UniMat0)
Alliance overview
Alliance Name: -
Alliance Tag: -
Genre: Generic
Founded: N/A
Leader: -
Members: N/A
Recruiting: Unknown
Alliance stats
Alliance Rank: N/A
  Total Average
Overall: N/A N/A
Building: N/A N/A
Destroyed Ships: N/A N/A
Fleet: N/A N/A
Defense: N/A N/A
Research: N/A N/A
Crew: N/A N/A
War records
Wins Losses Draws
Last updated: 2015-12-19

"UniMatrix Zero": A once small, but growing Alliance, within the Starfleet Commander game on Facebook.

About Us:

UniMatrix Zero was started by Reginald Barkley, and is now run by the Queen Borg, Capt. Blackbeard.



UniMatrix Zero started as a small group of players brought together by Reginald Barkley ("Read the WIKI"!) & has quickly grown in size and with players of stature. In late 2010, UniMatrix Zero overtook long-time leader, ANH, on the Overall Leaderboard. Since then, UniMatrix Zero has constantly upgraded it's RSP, DSP, Defense, Ship, etc stats as members collectively improve in these areas with monthly tasks.


Our highest call is to train our members with monthly training missions designed to improve the player & better the alliance. UniMatrix Zero also believes in working together & coordinating Group Attacks & Defends.


UniMatrix Zero holds a few core values:

  1. DDSS - Don't Do Stupid Stuff
  2. No FRS = No Fleet.
  3. Your Defense starts with YOU


UniMatrix Zero is open to any who wish to join. However, because we pride ourselves on training our members, you will be expected to advance in the game. You will start out by reading the WIKI & then our in-game training aids. Promotion is based on a combination of seniority, ability, location, activity on our message boards & proving yourself.


Capt.Blackbeard - Supreme Drone

Kin Berh - Chief Admiral Drone of the Fleet & Keeper of the Alliance Tartan & 7 of 9 costume
Got2BDrunk Dan Larrivee - Chief Admiral Drone of the Fleet & Alliance Nuclear Tactician

Jonathan Younce - Admiral Drone
Kaiser Soze - Admiral Drone
Art Steeb - Admiral Drone
Mursilis - Admiral Drone
White Beard - Admiral Drone
Quacks - Admiral Drone
Magnusson - Admiral Drone
Vengeance is Mine - Admiral Drone
Got2BTru - Admiral Drone

Special Mention to:

Thumper71 - The Kracken
Shogunman - trade baron and Operator of the van with candy
Star Raving Mad - camp Counselor for addiction and obsessive compulsive disorders related to SFC
excellium - Queen Mother
Strayy - Owner of Strayy's Tavern, a great place to cut up and have a good time