Commonwealth of Independant Planets (COIP)

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The Commonwealth of Independant Planets

The Commonwealth was created out of a underlying need for the planets in the universe to band together to support and collectively prosper as a democratic unit in the face of larger dictatorships and empires that control large portions of the universe. Comprised of many different worlds and species, the Commonwealth has member planets spread out through the universe, from the universal core to the outer galaxies. Admission to the Commonwealth is either by invitation or application.

The Commonwealth Constitution

The Commonwealth of Independant Planets

Formal Constitution

Executive Branch:::: 1 leader. duly elected, by general majority

Title: Chancellor

Term limits: no limit to # of terms, 6 month limit per term. After 6 months then general election..

Leader prerequisites: must be from the officer/Sector commanders pool

Addressed as: Chancellor- Name - Homeworld

Duties include: Commander in Chief, Final Approval of all Treaties & Declaration of War. Approves or vetoes Bills passed in both councils.

  • overrides to vetoes require 2/3rd majority in both councils.*

2 Council blocks: High Council, Officers only, Non-electable, Officers enter High Council upon election.

  • -Debates, Edits, Approves/Vetoes Bills passed by the General Council

Voting ends 24 hours after initial posting. All officers must cast vote within time frame or voting closes & late votes are not counted.

  • in the event of a tie vote, the Chancellor can cast the deciding vote(Deciding vote automatically approves bill)*

Amount of officers: 9-11 officers/Sector commanders,

  • More Officers/Sector commanders will be added to pool per census, every 3 months or when new Sectors open up or surpass 25 members,
  • duly elected by Sector members, approved/vetoed by leader.
  • Override possible with 2/3rds of eligible officers(not Sector position up for election/reelection) .*

Term limits: no limit to # of terms, 6 month limit per term. After 6 months then Sector election.

    • lobbying & bribery are grounds for expulsion from the alliance**

Addressed as: SC - Name - Homeworld

Duties include: Sector Management, direct member point of contact, Approves or denies large scale assaults in Sector .

    • All Sector Commanders must buddy their Sector members**
  • General Council, All non-officer alliance members.
  • -1 or more member proposes bill, Debates bills, Edits, Approves/Vetoes bills.
  • Approval of bill sends bill to High Council

Voting ends 48 hours after initial posting. All members must cast vote within time frame or voting closes & late votes are not counted.

Member rights and duties:

  • 1 vote per user, Users with multiple memberships get 1st planet vote only.
  • *I.E. 1st planet/acct gets to represent user, subsequent acct's are not General Council eligible*
  • All members can recruit, raid, & progress at their own pace. All raids are to be recorded in the Raid post on the alliance sticky, wins & losses.
  • All members are REQUIRED to honor all treaties, found on the relations page of the alliance tab. All members involved in a large scale assault need to be in the chat room during the assault.
  • If any member has a gripe, bring issue up in the General Council for discussion.
  • If any member is attacked or attacks a member of a treatied alliance, Notify your Sector Commander Immediately so that the leaders of the treatied alliance can be notified &/or compensation given or taken.
  • All members are Required to provide assistance to any treatied alliance that requests assistance, the Chancellor or Sector Commander will relay requests to all members.
    • lobbying & bribery are grounds for expulsion from the alliance*

Addressed as: Name - Homeworld

All new recruits/members are approved by a Sector Commander or the Chancellor. All new recruits/members must disclose full fleet numbers and tech level info to their appropriate Sector Commander, for advice & the ability to maximize collective potential.

Judicial Branch::

All rules are subject to review by a legal Council of any 4 Sector commanders & the Chancellor.


Article #2 - the chancellor & Sector commanders are labeled officers in the game ranking. Lieutenants would then be either high ranking members of a sector, or the highest ranking member in a sector after the officer. The Council divisions would remain the same, but the Lieutenant rank would be next up for a Sector Commander(officer) spot if the Sector splits(population increase of members) or if the Lieutenant has a planet in a Sector that has no representation & is willing to relocate the homeworld status to that planet. Commander to be used as their handle regardless of whether they are section commander or not

Article #3 - the reason for the commonwealth is so all members have a voice, that's the reason for the 2 council structure. The General Council is the all member (-officers) decision engine. The High Council is the officers only approval/denial/editing of the bills passed in the General Council. Bills become "law"/rules with the approval (signing of) the Chancellor. All vetoes can be overridden by a 2/3rds majority of the lower council. IE: a veto by the chancellor can be overridden by 2/3rds of the High Council & become "law". A veto of the High Council can be overridden by 2/3rds of the general council (sending bill directly to chancellor). However, a veto by both the chancellor & the High Council kills the bill, unless a unanimous vote passes it in the General Council.

    • As with everything, there is 1 absolute in this, that lobbying & bribery is expressly forbidden & anyone caught doing so is kicked out & banned from the alliance.**

Article #4 – Diplomatic Corps are made up of 1 member per sector, elected by the sector & 2 members of the officers, elected by the officers. All other subsequent articles may be put in as amendments. Amendments can be passed by a 2/3rds vote by the General Council & 2/3rd of the High Council.

Member Info & History

Currently under construction