
From Starfleet Commander
Revision as of 05:39, 23 May 2010 by (talk)
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Table Accuracy - Is the table even right? Shouldn't Atlas be exactly 3x Hercules? - Anonymous

Cheap Ship Advantage - It should probably be noted that there is great advantage to "Smashing" fleets that consist of ships that do not require hydrogen to build as hydrogen cost does not contribute to the size of the debris field.


you're welcome :P -codename_B

codename_B, you slacker! I had to add the rest of the ships you lazily forgot to include. Yes, most people won't smash 10,000 Hermes, but still ;) -Richard Fleming

nothing wrong with being a slacker ;) I'm still a helpful one ;)

you're better, but not a slacker so :P


There needs to be an emphasis that 20% chance does not mean that after 5 tries you are guaranteed a moon. -Aaron

Got that covered now in a 'Probabilities' section. -RF

- Added this info to the page. (verified from gaining a moon in Extreme) -Xavn

Hey Laggy... I see you changed the Hephaestus Class to 1 at 20%. Would you mind adding the resource requirements to the Hephaestus Class since you seem to have some knowledge of the secret sauce ;) -Richard Fleming

Considering that building a moon requires an enemy to attack you and basically hand you a moon, which would then give the loser a decided strategic and tactical advantage, or collaboration with your alliance/friends to throw away their own ships for the benefit of others, why not introduce a "scuttle" capability for ships or groups of ships? Basically you go to your fleets page, define your fleet and send it on a "scuttle" mission to the planet of your choice. When it arrives, the ships self-destruct and create a debris field. If you're willing to lose the ships, why not? If game balance is in question, you could put penalties on the size of the resulting debris field. -Grynch

Blech can we get some CSS here please? These tables look absolutely horrid!!! Some support for < math >< /math > would also be nice. -RF

Why wouldn't debris already in orbit contribute to the overall accretion field which forms the moon in the first place, and increase the chances of a moon forming? I realize the result is only CALCULATED at the end of battle, but that doesn't mean it should be tied to that battle. Its not the act of battle that causes the moon to form, its gravity. The battle only creates the debris. If someone can manage to hold onto a debris field before the vultures swoop in, then it should increase the chances of a moon if more debris is added. Secondly, in the "Advantages" section it states "cannot be destroyed". This is not an advantage of moons over another body, say... a planet?! They can't be destroyed either, nor can the buildings built upon them?


Spotting moons

Can moons be seen on the galaxy screen? __'meco' Halvor 07:17, 27 February 2010 (UTC) Yes! They show up as a blank space in the numbering sequence and often say "My Moon" I am not sure if you can rename it -Grynch

You can rename them - I called mine "Orbital Battery" --Andrew 18:49, 27 March 2010 (UTC) where is your located? I just want to see a moon on a galaxy screen. --Phil Sutherland 00:18, 28 March 2010 (UTC)

Moons make the game too uneven!

Fleetsaving is now impossible for people with lives outside of the game. Even if I only deploy from 1 planet to the next instead of run harvest missions, say I do recall a deploy because of a well timed attack. By the time my ships would return I'd be at work or sleeping. I'd have to hope that I'm not getting attacked if I wanted to even be able to play that night. The balance of power is too greatly uneven. As a person that has been attacked by someone using their oracle, I can say first hand that something needs to change in this game relating to moons and fast. Otherwise the game simply isn't worth playing anymore unless you have a moon! I've never had to leave a game due to nerfing or unbalanced changes, but this may very well be my 1st time. Get on this BlueFrog! "The game is broken with this new ability." <-That is the consensus of my fellow officers!

Why not fleetsave with 1 dio in your fleet? the fleetsave can't be detected if it's a harvest mission!

How long does it even take to make a moon meaning how long before one appears. I left debris for as long as I could till others came and took it away of which I could have. The rules and regs for this seems pretty unfair and no clear. I lost well over 200K in ore and crystals waiting. I mean should there not be some way to know? Richard A H Moons appear immediately after the battle, or not at all. Silver Gate Squadron 15:47, 1 April 2010 (UTC)

  • Moons are created instantly if they're going to be created at all. remember that it is a chance of forming. check your battle report it will tell you right at the bottom of the report...look for something like this 534372805 01:47, 20 April 2010 (UTC)

There now float 1,152,300 ore and 669,600 crystal at this location.
There's a 12.1% chance that a moon will form from the debris.
However, no moon formed. <--- This tells you if it formed or not... even if it does form though, the debris still remains for you to collect.

I agree that oracles make the game uneven, and no mater how small the chance of getting one, eventually at least half the people in the game will have one, making it practically unplayable for the other half. moons without oracles seem to be useful, especially for their jump gates - loqk

== '''JUST PLAY THE GAME!''' ==

I got a moon from a small battle and 4% chance of a moon. I am only ranked in the 20,000's. I say just play the game and don't worry about it.

Moon Resources

After I had a moon I moved some resources to it and created a Lunar base, but I noticed that if I moved more than 100,000 of one resource that it would turn RED. I know that you can not have mines on the Moon so how do you increase the capacity of your resources without warehouses?

Doesn't matter; the only effect of your resources being red is that your mines stop producing. And since a moon doesn't have mines... Silver Gate Squadron 15:47, 1 April 2010 (UTC)

Attacking Moons

Does attacks on ones' moon have any effect if it has nothing on it? i am asking because i just got myself a moon and it is under attack.

I'd like someone to try and test this one as well. I've been getting reports all week that Missile Strikes on a built up moon are causing things like Oracles and Warp Gates to drop in levels until they're gone. Can anyone please confirm this??--534372805 01:49, 20 April 2010 (UTC)

Distance to moon

From the planet it orbits, how far away is a moon? Will a trip from a planet to its moon take as long as just orbiting the planet? More time? Less time? Anyone know?

- Roughly the same. At Pulse tech 8, I can deploy a fleet of Atlases from one to the other in about 2 2/3 minutes. Silver Gate Squadron 03:58, 30 April 2010 (UTC)

Hidden Ships

Zafoquat has been editing the page to say ships on moons are hidden. I tested this by having people espionage my moon while ships where there. They all saw the ships.. so I'm not sure what Zafoquat is trying to say, but moons don't have any special ship hiding power that I can see. 20:47, 26 April 2010 (UTC)

Multiple Moons

Is it also possible to have multiple moons on one planet? (intrepid486)

No, we only get one moon per planet. Jesus Saves 03:13, 30 April 2010 (UTC)

Moon counts for 9 max planet number?

If I have 9 planets, can I to have one moon? (9 planets + 1 moon)