What to do When Under Attack

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What to do when under attack

1.) Fleetsave

2.) Fleetsave

3.) Fleetsave

4.) Resource Save

Ok, I could keep going on like that – but you really, must absolutely, MOVE your fleet. That which is moving CANNOT be attacked. Moving = action. If the fleet is moving, in Starfleet, they CANNOT be attacked. Therefore, this is the main defense – to simply move out of the way, as would the Zen master.

Now, if your resources are sitting in a warehouse – are they moving? No. They’re not. They’re sitting. If they’re sitting, they’re targets. The more you have the bigger target you are.

If you’re going to move your fleet, why not load it up with resources? This is the idea about resource saving.


If someone is attacking you with a fleet, and it’s a big fleet – that costs gas. The gas is Hydrogen. Part of your attacker’s thinking is that they will get the cost of the Hydrogen back from you, and more.

Load your Hydrogen first – then, turn off the gas pumps. Yes, you might be saving ore or crystal for a big project, and that might be important to you. But your opponent has Ore and maybe Crystal coming out their ears, but they NEED that Hydrogen. And – it’s hard for him to make it himself – and he thinks it’s easier to steal it – from you. Deny him the Hydrogen – load it all up, shut down mine production of H to ZERO.

Now, odds are if you’re like everyone else, you’ve set up a homeworld, where most of your big stuff is – mines, labs, capitols, etc. Then, you expanded out and set up mining planets and you send the resources back to the homeworld for processing. So, this means those mining colonies need ships to move the resources back to homeworld. You need enough cargo to move the production. I recommend using Hercules to do this – since they can carry 25K vs. 5K for Atlas. They’re slower, but most likely; your mining colonies will be close to the homeworld.

If your opponent sees enough Hercules to get ALL the resources off the planet, odds are they will think you are a savvy player and will pass you by – rather than try to steal your resources. This is the idea behind resource saving. I like to send supplies to the homeworld twice a day – once in the morning, once in the evening. However, if they see enough resources to interest them – say over 50K, and NO transport capability, they will try to swoop in and grab it before you can move it. So, for mining colonies, it’s not necessary to fleetsave your transports – if you transport in the morning, and the evening, the resources on your planet will be small potatoes and you will most likely be ignored. However, there’s always a jerk who might go after your couple Hercules for the fun of it.

5.) Move your resources into PRODUCTION.

Ok, so you’ve got a bunch of resources sitting there, and no friendly ships nearby before the attack hits. You can still MOVE your resources.

Research or Build – Ideally, you can move your resources into the most expensive research or building project you can afford at the moment. If you start a research project or a building project – those can’t be attacked. And, they CAN be cancelled – after the attack hits. So, it’s sort like a safety deposit box – you can lock it up, and get it back.

Can’t afford research or build? Well, in that case, build ships. Build what ever ships you can – heck build Hermes, Helios, Artemis if you have to. Once those resources have been put in the shipyard, they’re moving and can’t be attacked. Be aware – you CAN’T CANCEL ships and defenses. So, build wisely, if you can.

6.) Send the attacker a message – a real message – a note.

Now that as many ships and resources are moving – and you’re that much less of a target – send a message to your attacker. BE POLITE. They’re attacking you for a reason – because they thought they could hit you before you could fleet or resource save – hopefully, they were wrong. Point out that everything will be gone when they arrive and wouldn’t it be more productive to them to use their fleet somewhere else? Again, BE POLITE. Manners count – you’re trying to win friends and influence people – so don’t whine, curse, or threaten them. If you’re a Jerk, they might attack just to teach you some manners and respect.

7.) Well, now – everything is moving as much as possible, but there are resources left and the attack is still underway.

Shut down all your mines to zero production – no point in giving your opponent more resources than necessary.

View this as an opportunity for improvement – maybe even send your attacker a note thanking them for the lesson so they’ll think you’re a decent person (and will refrain from trying to teach you a lesson in the future) and will think from now on you’ll know how to fleet and resource save … right?

Finally – remember it’s a GAME and supposed to be fun.