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I am in you're wiki, cleaning up your syntax.

I am really going through all of the tables and making them wiki tables instead of HTML tables.

Use of DTable Templates

Every DTable follows the pattern below:

{{DTableHeader}} | header
  ...n times
  | value list
  | value list
  ...n times


All tables begin with a {{DTableBegin}} call. This has two optional parameters: style and caption. They do exactly what you think they do. The style will allow you to override only the table styles, not row- or cell-specific styles. This would be useful for changing the cell spacing or font size. Here's an example of a use:

Default w/ caption /w manual style

c d
e f
This is a caption
a b c
c d e
f g h
This is a caption
a b c
c d e
f g h

The rest of the parts are very straight-forward.