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Revision as of 16:54, 5 March 2011 by Gary Mintz (talk | contribs)
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Alliance Name: The LEGION (☼LEGION☼)
Alliance Tag: ☼LEGION☼

The LEGION is famous in Extreme 1 and 2 for its freewheeling and open game play. We do not make NAPS, we attack all and any without restrictions, so as not to limit your game play.

We pride ourselves on our teamwork and comraderie, and no alliance has ever been able to take us down despite the 9 wars we are currently in in X1 ( 17 at one time). On the other hand the opposite cannot be said.

Often accused of Piracy by losers, we are in fact just extremely good at this game. If you have a rank above 1500 and want to join in a fun and spirited team, just apply from the alliances tab.

We look forward to playing with you, whether in our alliance or the opposition.