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It wont work BFG already spent money and time to make SFC Uni 2X it would be a massive waste for them to not release it. What I am trying to say is that it dose note make since to them to not release. What I am trying to say is that they will release it anyway.


I'm afraid I have to agree. The point is moot. BFG is going to continue making BAD business decisions, "milking" the SFC Universe game for all its worth instead of improving it. They simply don't care to invest any more money into the game.

Spatman:Sign me up for the petition! 02:56, 10 December 2010 (UTC)

I think UNi2 X will give new players the opportunity to start on a level playing field with the rest of us ( barring lack of knowledge). Currently any new player coming into X gets quickly killed by the pros and leaves/gives up. Any players coming in early will have a bigger advantage. Try catching up on DS with the players that have been going for chance!

The key to the success of this new uni is MARKETING ..BFG have to get the noise out to NEW players and get them to come in early...once everyone has built up they will get massacred again....

Muon ( 09:10, 10 December 2010 (UTC))

I totaly agree that the current game drives new players out. They come in. Try to build up their forces only to be smashed by older players. Building new universes may not be the best solution to this but it is the only one offered so far. They need a better safe mode than the current diplomat mode. I for one am leaving the game. I feel it is wasting my time. The new univers is just a symtom of problems with the basic game structure. You need a fair, level playing feild for old and new players. Skill should be in there somewhere not just size.

ojlklfvo wlov

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