Talk:Interplanetary Ballistic Missiles

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The part about needing a level 9 silo full of IBMs to blast through a level 4 silo full of ABMs is a bit misleading. All you really need is 9 total levels of silo full of IBMs. That could be one lvl 9, 9 level 1s, or a 5 and two 2s. It doesn't matter, so long as you have at least 41 missiles. (Coincidentally, 9 level 1 silos is insignificantly more expensive than a single level 4 silo.) I just can't think of a good way to word it right now. Unless, of course, I'm completely misunderstanding how IPMs work, and you can't launch then from multiple planets. But that would be silly. --Rob 14:20, 10 November 2009 (UTC)

Launching IBMs from multiple planets at the same time

Is it possible to launch IBMs from multiple planets against 1 target simultaneously?

Additional Rewording Necessary

Another problem with this section is that there is an assumption that the level 4 missile silos on the defending planet would be full of ABMs. They could be full of IBMs meaning that it would take 1 IBM to get through. Another possibility is that it could have 30 ABMs and 5 IBMs meaning it would take 31 IBMs or level 7 missile silo. Then again if the missile silo level is 0, then it would take ONE (1) IBM to destroy the planet's defenses.

Robert Ruff, 07:05, 6 January 2010 (UTC)

Can these be attacked and destroyed in normal combat? Or are they safe within the missile silos? Same with the anti ballistic missiles?

Do these count in a debris field? Same with the ABM, are they counted as a part of the debris field?

As far as I know, they are protected from being destroyed in an attack. The missiles are stored in the Missile Silo, which is a building like any other...aside from the fact that it shoots missiles.

Tetsuo86, 16:34, 15 December 2009 (UTC)

Can we get a redesign on these? As designed I see them as completely pointless.

When I first read the wiki I saw they were only good in your galaxy and would not cross galaxy. This is fine based on their engines though a bit disappointing. The bigger issue is range within the galaxy is limited to (engine*5)-1. This says if you are lucky enough to be in the center of your galaxy (250) you will need an engine strength of 50 to reach the entire galaxy if I am understanding correctly.

If I am understanding this can we get an improvement to the IBM or can someone please correct me.

So, you can't threaten an entire galaxy from a single missile silo located in the center of the galaxy? Oh darn! As far as I'm concerned, the limited range is a good thing. It keeps large alliances with many members from being able to use all their members spread across an entire galaxy to each send one missile, and swamp any defender completely. These things are *very* powerful when used properly. Extending their range to cover nearly entire galaxies would make them extremely overpowered. --Rob 13:09, 14 January 2010 (UTC)

"Splash" damage?

Could somebody clarify what is meant by "splash" damage?

I haven't built these yet, I'm wondering if it's worth it - how many IBMs would you need to eliminate let's say a defense of 20xMissile Battery, 30xLaser Cannon, 5xPulse, 2xParticle, 1xGauss, 1xDecoy??

Thanks :)