Shadows (Shadows)

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Alliance Name: Shadows
Alliance Tag: Shadows
Genre: Babylon 5


"Shadows" is an alliance in Starfleet Commander: Universe 2. This is both the full name of the alliance, and its tag. It is dervived from the species of the same name in the television series "Babylon 5".

We have been consistently ranked among the top-10 alliances since the creation of Universe 2. Our ranking slipped somewhat over the past months, but we are now shooting back up the leaderboards, #5 overall right now, and still growing.

Started by Sheridan Starkiller, and now led by "Commander Dazmaul", the "Shadows" alliance is made up of experienced players from a variety of Universe 1 and Universe 2 alliances. Membership is currently open to all applicants.

"Shadows" is an aggressive alliance, but is open to diplomatic contacts as well.

The "Shadows" do not have a militaristic command structure. Each member of the "Shadows" is treated as a competent equal, working together for our common improvement and protection. The details of this will be left up to individual members.

Positions of leadership or officership are intended for the internal management of the alliance only (policing message boards, approval of membership applications, et cetera). Shadow-huge.jpg

Current NAP partner alliances (tag) (number of members)

Commonwealth of Independent Planets (COIP) (4)

Anla-Shok (Rangers) (5)

League of Liquid Fire (ONYX) (34)

Star Warriors (StarWars) (17)

A lot is changing in the Shadows right now, keep your eyes on the leaderboard and galaxy pages, you never know what you might see tomorrow! ;-)