Interplanetary Ballistic Missiles

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Interplanetary missile.png

Interplanetary Missiles are projectiles used to destroy a planet's defenses. They are built in the Shipyard and stored in the Missile Silo. Unlike in combat, defenses destroyed by Interplanetary Missiles are not rebuilt automatically.

How It Works

Interplanetary missiles are launched from the Galaxy Page. When they strike a planet, IPMs start at the lowest defenses (Missile Turrets) and work their way up to the strongest. They may instead be targeted at a specific area of the defense, in which case they will damage those first, and then any remaining damage will be dealt as if untargeted.

In an IPM attack, the defending world will automatically deploy any Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABMs). Each ABM on the defending world will destroy one IPM and prevent all damage from it.

Unlike normal combat units, damage from an IPM is not absorbed by defending shields, only hull strength matters. The IPM also is used up in an attack, so its shield and hull are irrelevant.


Ore Crystal Hydrogen
12,500 2,500 10,000


Missile Silo Lvl 4

Pulse Drive Lvl 1