Colonial Marines (CM)

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Ladegoth was here-.-

After Microfix gave him a tip about this page! :)

Ladegoth gets everywhere LOL

Careful what you do, he could come after you next.

There is no theory of how the strongest players survive in starfleet, only a list of players Ladegoth allows to live.

Survival of the fittest aka. Ladegoth.

Ladegoth's ships don't move through the universe, his ships stand still and the universe moves around him.

Ladegoth's homeworld has a will on its own!

That's no moon, it's a space station! No it's really a moon. Ladegoth just has 100 Zeuses sitting around it.

Ladegoth dont look at the time, he decides what time it is!

When Ladegoth plays golf, planets are his golfballs and black holes are his targets.

>CM< is a highly specialized alliance with individualistic players who are dedicated to the aspirations of the Colonial Marines.

The Colonial Marines are recruiting qualified members in selected galaxies. We are an aggressive alliance with a highly structured membership. Those who get in our way will be trampled.