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Revision as of 21:06, 23 March 2010

Ancient Warriors Empire- Fleetsave teachers

Welcome fellow Commanders to AWE Ancient Warrior Empire Lets cause some destruction together

Join us at AWE and become a commander in our collective!!!

Leadership Is a Democratic council of Senior Officers. Officer decisions shall remain in effect until decided otherwise

by vote of council members.

We like to have fun and socialize too

Primarily the AWE was started to give ourselves more time to play than to teach. Our rules are simple, attack those that don’t fleet save, you should know what alliances we have a NAP with, help defend and share targets, and above everything else fleet and resource save! We like to work as a team to make this game fun. Everyone screws up sometimes but we will not tolerate careless game play, players will be removed for continuous loss of your fleet. At this time there is no limitations to attack requirements. All non fleetsavers are targets unless NAPed.

Lets have some fun

Our victims are left in AWE

Membership is available now. If you are interested in joining let any of our members know you would like to join and they will send your name up the chain of command for consideration. Requirements: Active Fleetsavers with a overall ranking of 20,000 or better and a ranking of 14,000 in ship kills (around 1,000 ship kill points). If you Dont have enough score to qualify and know someone in AWE with the proper membership requirements They can sponsor your entry into the alliance

If you would like to be a part of a growing and friendly alliance drop us a line!!! communication is essential to survival

"The special forces" "AWE"

page by JustinVader