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Distance is a number that tells how far apart, two places are in the universe. The distance is use when calculating travel times.


Galaxy to Galaxy

The distance from any planet in one galaxy to any planet in another galaxy is 20,000 terameters for each galaxy traveled. So to go from galaxy 1 to galaxy 3 would be a distance of: 20,000 * (3 - 1) = 40,000 Tm.

Solar System to Solar System In The Same Galaxy

The distance from any planet in one Solar System to any planet in another Solar System in the same galaxy is equal to 95 for each solar system traveled, plus 2,700. So to travel from solar system 1 to solar system 10 in the same galaxy, we would use:

(10-1)*95 + 2,700 = 3,555

Planet to Planet Within The Same Solar System

The distance from any planet in one Solar System to another planet in the same Solar System is equal to 5 for each planet, plus 1,000. So to travel from planet 1 to planet 10 within the same Solar System would be:

5 * 9 + 1,000 = 1,045

Travel Times

The time it takes, in seconds, to travel from one planet to another is calculated according to:

Calculate flight duration.png

Where distance is the distance between the two planets.

Where speed is the speed of the slowest class of ships in the fleet.

Where speed percentage is a value from 1 to 10, representing 10% to 100%, selected in the speed drop-down.

See Also