Squeaky Tree Frogs (TurtleB)
Alliance Style
The Turtle Busters (aka Squeaky Tree Frogs, tag:TurtleB) is an alliance composed entirely of experienced players and tends toward an aggressive play style. The essence of the alliance rules are summarized as follows:
Turtle B Rules
2. Have fun
3. Kill as many of your opponents ships as possible
5. Have more fun
Wars, NAPs, and other niceties
The Turtle Busters is a loose alliance of players that tend to play with each other and at times the coordination can be amazing. However, the official policy is no alliance wide NAPs or War. Do NOT expect alliance members to come to your defense if you leave your ships out unattended. This is something we call "stupid".
Most players tend to coordinate activities though Skype. We are a world wide group and this is a great way to enhance the fun of the game.