Schmalkaldischer Bund (SchmBund)

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Der Schmalkaldischer Bund is named in honor of the defensive alliance of Lutheran princes during the German reformation. Der Schm. Bund in the SFC universe is a league (not an empire). In late winter of 2010, Der Schm. Bund formulated its "Declaration of Values."

Breaking News

RONIN Nukes Bundischer; A Second Aggression Begins!

RONIN has officially re-initiated hostile actions. On June 30th at approximately 02:00:00 Zulu, five members of The Blades of Ronin alliance and three lone individuals launched nukes from 13 separate planets at a single prominent Bund member, Constantine chan. The three loners involved made sure to already be in the process of entering d-mode at the time so as to avoid the inevitably impending retaliations of Der Schmalkaldischer Bund!

Bundischers are hardly impressed at the barrage of 210 Interplanetary Ballistic Missiles (IPBMs). The attack is viewed at about the same level as throwing rocks at a large nest of killer bees. It shall almost certainly prove to be a foolhardy move for RONIN. After all, if it takes 210 IPBMs to take out the defenses of a single Bundischer, then RONIN is going to need a lot more missiles. The total estimated resource cost of all the missiles lost by the aggressors comes to a combined figure of: 2,625,000 Ore, 525,000 Crystal, 2,100,000 Hydrogen. Surely they could have put those resources to a better use.

It is worth noting that missiles do not destroy ships. Therefore, Constantine chan is just as much of a threat to the aggressors as he was before. The only differences are that he now has specific targets to rain down his fiery wrath upon and he also now has the full approval and assistance of Der Schmalkaldischer Bund to add to his arsenal of power."

RONIN-SchmBund Conflict Ends in Victory!

What began as nothing more than a raid upon a player that neglected to FRS, escalated into a conflict which is now over. Major General Nelson, a minor and insignificant member of The Blades of Ronin, petulantly threatened a Bundischer who conducted a simple and typical raid upon Nelson's idling fleet and available resource pool. Nelson, stooping to extortion, began an aggressive nuke building campaign. Bundischers, prefering not to report this to Blue Frog, took matters into their own hands, neutralizing Nelson. Stated one Bundischer, "Turning someone into Blue Frog is like crying to mama." Nelson, however, had no such scruples. Complaining to his own leadership and other members of his alliance, Nelson conveniently failed to mention his own inappropriate conduct and misrepresented bona fide Bund efforts to achieve reasonable settlement of the matter. Claims that Bund members ignored a cease fire failed to mention that Nelson violated a promise not to build more silos. In the end, elements of RONIN sympathetic with Nelson failed to gain ground against Bund members, while Bund forces successfully pushed Nelson into (d). In the final analysis, the RONIN-Bund Conflict has proved a flash in the pan. Oberhauptmann des Bundes Polycarp Athanasius Riegel, Theocrat of the Augustana Synod, stated, "After consultation with Kriegsführer Chan, Vizekriegsführer Robber-Bob, Die Häuptmanner, and Kreigskabinet, I hereby formally declare the RONIN-Bund Conflict ended in a Bund victory."

Declaration of Values

We, the members of Der Schmalkaldischer Bund, hold the following to be the core values which inform and undergird this alliance.

1) Mutual security -- none of us wants to get whacked. We know that the sharing of intel and ideas about how best to play the game increases mutual security. Group defense also advances mutual security. Even commerce advances mutual security as it aids the power to develop.

2) Peerage -- we reject hierarchic or paramilitary forms of organization, command, and control, affirming instead that we come into this alliance as equals.

3) Legal Minimalism -- Der Bund will only promulgate those policies and insist upon those SOPs which advance mutual security.

4) Voluntarism -- we come to this alliance as volunteers. No one is forced to join and no one is coerced into remaining. As such, members voluntary submit to the policies and SOPs of Der Bund, recognizing that they are free to disaffiliate at any time.

5) Self-restrained Autonomy -- we affirm that each member of the Bund is free to pursue that course of action which the member believes to be in his/her best interest, bounded only by fraternal concern for the mutual security of Der Bund and each of the other members.


Name: Der Schmalkaldischer Bund

Listing in SFC: Schmalkalidischer Bund

Tag: SchmBund


Simply because the game mechanics require some structure, the following "ranks" can be found among us.

Mitglied -- member

Neuling -- a new member

Vierstelligemitglied -- a member with a rank under 10K

Hauptmann -- Officer

Oberhauptmann -- Leader

And three special offices which are assigned on an as needed basis

Kriegsführer -- War Leader

Vizekriegsführer -- Deputy War Leader

Bevollmächtigte -- Plenipotentirary

It is important to understand that these sundry "ranks" do not violate the value of peerage. The Oberhauptmann, e.g., is a moderator not a dictator. Similarly, Die Hauptmänner facilitate the activities of Bundischers, providing assistance, guidance, counsel, and advice. No one lords over anyone else. This fact, coupled with the values of volunteerism and legal minimalism, forms the basis of the freedom of Bundischers. The glue which holds Der Bund together are the values of mutual security and self-restrained autonomy. Of course, fraternal spirit cannot be discounted, but fraternal spirit cannot be legislated, programed, or demanded. There is an excellent fraternal spirit in Der Bund, but it is organic not forced.

Player Development

Der Bund values player development, encouraging experimentation, the swapping of ideas, the asking of questions, and the sharing of experience. Der Bund's message board is used extensively, and Neuling, in particular, are encouraged to use it freely. The message board is also used to share information about potential targets, diplomatic news, and joint military ops.

Policy :: NAPs

Formal Inter-Alliance NAPs

Der Bund holds Non-Aggression Pacts (NAPs) with several alliances. To qualify as a NAP under this policy, it must be a NAP registered through the Alliance Page interface provided in SFC. In its observance of these NAPs, Der Bund is scrupulous. A NAP is assumed to prohibit attacks by any member of Der Bund upon any member of the NAP counterpart alliance. Probing is not considered an attack by Der Bund as a Hermes Probe has no weapons. Furthermore, it is assumed that the NAP does not apply to a member of the NAP counterpart alliance who has fallen into inactivity (i/I). Should a member of Der Bund mistakenly attack a member of a NAP counterpart alliance, Der Bund will attempt to rectify the situation with all deliberate haste upon notification of the infraction. Special NAP provisions which go beyond these points or alter them, are negotiated on a case by case basis.

Private Wars

Der Bund is currently evaluating a policy proposal which would allow for "private wars." If adopted, Der Bund will allow, within the context of a Formal Inter-Alliance NAP, hostilities between members of Der Bund and members of a NAP counterpart alliance under very strict parameters. First among these is the mutual agreement of the leadership of the two alliances. Second is the agreement of the parties in conflict. Third is that neither party may attack NAP members not defined as belligerent under the terms of the private war agreement. Criteria for confecting a private war agreement include (but are not limited to) number of belligerents, ability to keep the conflict contained, mutuality, and voluntary assent.

Informal Inter-Personal NAPs

Members of Der Bund are free to enter into private NAPs with members of other alliances or non-aligned powers. Such NAPs may be include whatever terms the parties deem expedient. Such NAPs are not binding upon other members of Der Bund.

Under Construction

We are still developing this wiki entry. As time becomes available, we'll add now material. Please feel free to visit again. If you have any questions, contact your local Bundischer or message our Oberhauptmann. You can find us through the search feature on your Alliance Page.