Talk:Royal Commonwealth of Planets

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This has been nominated for deletion and the reason is "reason"? This page should be left alone by the wiki editors unless you are editing for spelling or grammar. Content should be left to the Alliance. For some reason, Phil Sutherland has taken a special interest in our Alliance page - and since he recently pressed (and failed) to have our Alliance merge with the one he leads, I consider this to be a conflict of interest. Phil, I politely asked you to leave the RCP page alone. Knock it off.

Hello there, Phil has promised not to touch the RCP Page due to in game conflicts. You will have to talk to the other me or another admin about this. I personally put the candidate for deletion tag on it because of numerous spelling and grammar errors and not categorized properly. It will be removed when Page is fixed. It is not the only page with this tag. --Shane Whaleman 19:59, 27 June 2010 (UTC)