Imperial Systems Syndicate (I.S.S.)
Imperial Systems Syndicate
is a growing alliance that is dedicated to the needs of its members.
Prime Directive
To grow the Imperial Systems Syndicate without Direct Confrontation with other Alliances.
Communication is key to any coordinated tactics.
When asking for help or reporting attacks please try to keep in mind the Five W’s:
WHO: Who is attacking you? Include his name and the planet the attack is being sent from.
WHAT: What is he sending? Include the number of ships and the type of ships included in the attack. If you have Espionage Level 8 you can report the exact number of each type of ship.
WHEN: When will the attack arrive? In order to successfully coordinate a group defend others will need to know if their fleet can arrive before the attacker.
WHERE: Which planet is being attacked? Again, this will help others determine if they can reach you in time for a group defend.
WHY: Why are you being attacked? In order for an officer to accurately assess a situation we will have to know if this is an unprovoked attack, have you been hitting him repeatedly, have you hit the attacker’s alliance mates, have you made fun of his mother, etc.
Example of a report that will allow for the fastest response time by anyone in the vicinity:
Incoming Attack
WHO & WHERE: Akkarin [43:87:10] attacking [43:66:4]
WHAT: 90 Ships – 75 posiedons 15 Athenas
WHEN: ETA: 21:12 Game time
WHY: Because I probed him.
Note: it will be easiest if you list the ETA as game time rather than something like “45 minutes out”. It will eliminate the need for each individual to manually compute the arrival time by figuring out when you posted your last update and adjusting to compensate for any time in-between.