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Bioraptor Bioraptor.jpg

Bioraptor Alliance

The Bioraptor alliance is inspired by Pitch Black and the rest of the The Chronicles of Riddick science finction storyline. I had a hard time picking one set charactor types so I just decided this alliance would be for the cult following this story has.

Please feel free to apply for membership!

What is a Bioraptor?

A Bioraptor is a highly aggressive creature with the ability of flight and a phobia of light, as they can die if exposed to enough direct light (possibly due to a chemical they injested that reacts violently with light). They are possibly native to planet M-344/G, and caused the extinction of most life on the planet. Every 22 years, M-344/G undergoes a month long eclipse, in which the bioraptors emerge from their underground dwellings.

Basic Alliance Guidelines

1. No FRS = No Fleet! You must FRS and must take advantage of anybody who does not. Their fleets always look better in our dios!

2. Group attacks are encouraged since everyone involved will be awarded the DSP and this will help our alliance grow stronger in rank.

3. Whenever possible every effort should be made to group defend a fellow alliance member.

4. Being part of the Bioraptor alliance means you are part of a highly united family. If someone messes with any of us we all make it our business to get revenge on that player or alliance.

UNITY! We will rise together in a mass unity like infant bioraptors!Italic text