Talk:Satori ( ^o^ )

From Starfleet Commander
Revision as of 21:31, 22 May 2010 by (talk)
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Arty was

Mayhem is here ! Chaos will reign !

If I Run Kill Me, If I Lead Follow Me, If I Am Killed Avenge Me !!

We will consider accepting new members however there are a couple of things that are required. 1. You must have Yahoo messenger. ( No exceptions) </nowiki></nowiki>2. You have to be active.</nowiki> </nowiki>3. You have to be loyal.</nowiki> </nowiki>4. The vetting process will determine the final members accepted. It must be a majority to

  !</nowiki>accept a new member into ~Satori~. The 3 of us have been playing together for a few!</nowiki> 
  !</nowiki>years in various other games.!</nowiki>

If interested message me (_Mayhem_)80:156:9 coordinates.

!</nowiki>When all else fails blow em up !</nowiki>