Free Fremen (FF)

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26 Strong



Foreign Affairs
-{{{Head FA}}}
-{{{Asst. FA}}}
-{{{Asst. FA}}}
-{{{Asst. FA}}}

Peace And Security Above All Else

Recruitment Policy
Free Fremen is currently accepting new members. As such, we wish to invite you to be a part of our group. The road ahead is going to be a difficult one, and with your skills added to our own, we will all prosper into the future!

Mantra of the Fremen

We are first and foremost interested in peace. Given the option, we would rather be friends than enemies. We strive to grow every member equally, and back each other up as is possible for each individual. In the event of hostility, where peace is not possible, this alliance will band together to defend its own by any means necessary.

Core Policy


Those who wish to bully members of our alliance will not be looked upon with any favoritism, and in the interest of peace we will do everything in our power to remove them from our space


Fremen were originally a desert dwelling people, free tribes who lived on Arrakis. They believe in honor and taking only what they need. On Arrakis for many centuries, they would share their 'water' with their tribe members and would call upon each other in times of need.

Once the Mahdi (their messianic leader) came to Arrakis they created the Fedaykin, fremen death commandos who pledged to give their lives to right a wrong.

In honor of this idea, we wish to carry on their honor.

Current News

We are accepting new members as well as new officers. We are also working on diplomatic relations with our neighbors.

History of the Fremen



[No Record]


[No Record]



The month of January saw the birth of the Free Fremen. A number of previously allianced members saw fit to leave said alliance in pursuit of something more. Many of those members felt useless aggression was not the right course of action, and banded together to the group now known as the Free Fremen.

Circle of Shadows alliance saw fit to attack many of our members, most without any provocation, other than simply wanting to be less aggressive. The attacks continue, for now.

Free Fremen made many new friends through out the month, allying with a number of alliances, big and small, weak and strong, who all share in the idea of peace and prosperity. We hope this trend continues, as our alliances combined friendship numbers over 1,000 members.

Once word spread of this new group, Free Fremen, others soon followed. The end of January finds us with 13 members, so far, and an overall alliance ranking under 930.


[No Record]

Foreign Relations


Blue Man Crew
Legio 13
Dune (Sons of) - Dune

Any former members of alliances we have previously had good relations with are welcome after their groups have dissolved.



Rules and Regulations


  • Inactive members you wish to attack in a treatied alliance must be ok-ed by the leadership prior to any actions taken.
  • Inactives not in a treatied alliance are fair game.
  • All inactives within the alliance need to be reported before any actions can be taken.
  • Any members who become inactive without first going into vacation mode will be expelled from the clan, without notice, and are fair game for raids.

Treaty relations

  • If a treatied alliance member probes/attacks you, it must be reported to the diplomacy group immediately, before any retaliation takes place.
  • No member is to take any actions against a treaty. If actions are taken, they will be considered an act outside the clan, and a review will be opened with the possibility of the member getting expelled.


  • All non-allied worlds and inactives are fair game for anyone to raid.
  • Any worlds in an alliance of 5 or less are welcome to raiding. Please note that if you decide to attack a stronger world you are subject to their retaliation. Assistance will be given upon request and approval.

Code of Conduct

  • Members must sign off in all sign-off threads within 3 days of posting or risk being expelled from the alliance.
  • There will be no bashing on other members of the alliance, regardless of provocation.
  • If you become inactive, you will be expelled from the alliance, no warning.
  • Keep the forums clean of questionable language and topics. We just don’t want to see it.
  • Personal information, including FB id, email, and phone numbers are not permitted in the forum. If you wish to exchange information, do so in the privacy of the messaging system.