Free Fremen (FF)

From Starfleet Commander
Revision as of 10:19, 28 January 2010 by Hawk1267 (talk | contribs)
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Mantra of the Fremen: We are first and foremost interested in peace. Given the option, we would rather be friends than enemies. We strive to grow every member equally, and back each other up as is possible for each individual. In the event of hostility, where peace is not possible, this alliance will band together to defend its own by any means necessary.

Those who wish to bully members of our alliance will not be looked upon with any favoritism, and in the interest of peace we will do what we can in order to remove them from our space.

Our headquarters and main base of operations is in Galaxy 63. However we also have representation with our members in galaxies 40, 49, 53, 61 and 64.

  • Our great leader Princess Leah is always looking for new membership. So if you are active and like to participate in our forum discussions, feel free to apply by going to the Alliance and enter in "Free Fremen" and then click to join.

What are the fremen? Fremen were originally a desert dwelling people, free tribes who lived on Arrakis. They believe in honor and taking only what they need. On Arrakis for many centuries, they would share their 'water' with their tribe members and would call upon each other in times of need.

Once the Mahdi (their messianic leader) came to Arrakis they created the Fedaykin, fremen death commandos who pledged to give their lives to right a wrong.

In honor of this idea, we wish to carry on their honor. As such, we wish to invite you to be a part of our group. The road ahead is going to be a difficult one, and with your skills added to our own, we will all prosper in the future!

--Hawk1267 10:01, 28 January 2010 (UTC)