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(→‎The Gospel of Jesus: There is no reason to have this religious talk here - take it to an appropriate place, this is a game wiki)
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Hi everyone! I'm Jesus_Saves, and that's the name I even use in-game. As you might expect, I am a Christian and I try my hardest to be an excellent example for Jesus Christ.
Hi everyone! I'm Jesus_Saves, and that's the name I even use in-game. As you might expect, I am a Christian and I try my hardest to be an excellent example for Jesus Christ.
==The Gospel of Jesus==
Have you ever heard the Gospel? It's quite simple, really. God sent his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and pay the penalty for our sins - death.
That may not make much sense so I'll make it a little clearer. '''Jesus''' is God's Son. In essence, he IS God. He '''died''' so that we wouldn't have to be held accountable for our sins. '''Sin''' is going against God's perfect will. Have you ever lied, cheat, steal? That is sin. And one characteristic of God is that he is '''holy''' - pure, free of sin. And the problem is, holiness and sin are like light and darkness, which means that they can't be in the same place. So if you die, and you haven't accepted Jesus as your Lord (leader of your life) and Saviour (rescuer from Hell), then you can't go to Heaven because of your sin. But, Jesus, who didn't sin at all during his life, willingly gave himself as the ultimate sacrifice. He died and took on all of our sins - he became our scapegoat, assuming responsibility for all our nastiness. Now, if we will accept Jesus, we get to go to Heaven!
By the way, Heaven is NOT angels with halos strumming harps on clouds. Although that would make for a killer game of Frisbee. Heaven is full of music, with everyone doing things assigned to them, praising God, and spending an eternity having a blast! The place is so awesome that even things considered valuable here on Earth are used as building materials - streets of gold and Pearly Gates, for example.
So don't let people with bad attitudes towards Christianity give you the wrong impression. God is not all about smiting sinners and torturing people for eternity. God is about love, joy, and peace. I hope I explained it all well enough for you.
(Did I lose you yet? No? OK, good.)
==More About Me==
==More About Me==

Revision as of 04:34, 10 February 2010

Hi everyone! I'm Jesus_Saves, and that's the name I even use in-game. As you might expect, I am a Christian and I try my hardest to be an excellent example for Jesus Christ.

More About Me

I'm a high school graduate whose taking a year off to build up the money to pay for college. I plan on attending Independence Community College in the fall 2010 semester. In the meantime, I'm working about 15-20 hours a week at McDonald's. I'm part of the cleanup crew, and I usually work during lunch hours and a little after that.

My favorite TV shows, outside of Christian television, are the Star Trek series (except Star Trek: Enterprise), Meerkat Manor and Ben 10: Alien Force. I have a wide variety of musical interests which encompass most Western genres except jazz. I am especially fond of techno and variations thereof. My favorite bands are Daft Punk, Hillsong London, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Avril Lavigne. My hobbies include computer programming and writing science fiction.

I will probably use this as my mission log. I plan on being a little more structured with my ships, i.e., x amount of Athenas, x amount of Ares, etc. I'll also give ships names if possible, and fleets named. Even missions and expeditions, perhaps? So if you ever hear me ramble about "Iscariot Fleet, led by the Prometheus-class Pentecost, is on its way to Alpha Centaui XI on Operation: Redemption" you'll understand. I seriously want to build a nice ship and name it the Enterprise.

Axioms of Gameplay


It was once questioned, "What is the point of this game?". Indeed looking at menus and listening to others whine about how their fleets have been destroyed and other things would seem to indicate that this game is simply flat, dull and without challenge. However, I have found that with just a little imagination and a will to excel, it is clear that Starfleet Commander is more than just another point-and-click MMO. This is my Creed, my Doctrine, my Tenet, my Axioms of why I play this game.

The Depth of the Game

Starfleet Commander can be seen as another game of warfare, collecting resources, and becoming the most powerful person on the block. And indeed it is all three of these - but it also more.





This game pits you against actual players, not artificial intelligences that use statistics, boolean and random number generators. No, the owners of the planets around you are living, breathing humans who may seem to erratically and illogically be on all day long or go vast periods of time without doing anything.

Thus, it is necessary to keep a watchful eye on everyone else. Espionage probes allow you to see what your immediate and further neighbors are doing so you can assess your condition.





Personal Morals of Gameplay


January - current: Nobunaga's Overachieving Bastards, a training alliance where I can ask questions and receive help from experienced players. The former leader was once the leader of Empire. I don't plan on being in the alliance forever, just long enough for me to get stable footing.

Miscellaneous Goodies

Naming Conventions?

Artemis-class: They'll be named after ships from Star Trek.
Poseidon-class: Named after sea creatures both real and mythological. The first one off the line is the Sea Dragon (C-01)
Prometheus-class: Since their design is obviously inspired by aircraft carriers, that's how I'll name them. My first Prommie, then, will be the Langley (I go by U.S. ship names.)

Battle Report I have had my first battle losses. In the battle of 339-M, a simple fleetsave to a (supposedly) inactive player, two craft were lost: Probe 01 (P-01) and the Reliant (F-03, Artemis class). You guys did good.

Woo-hoo! I settled my first colony quite a distance from my homeworld. I call it God Loves YOU!

My homeworld is called Jesus Saves!, a.k.a. First Extrasolar Assembly of God, and my colony is a.k.a. Victory Extrasolar Assembly of God.

Wiki Skillz

This is where I will do tests to improve my wiki editing skillz. One day I will be uber-1337 at it.