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The '''Grey Wolves''' Alliance is a a rapidly growing and highly-ranked peaceful alliance that doesn't attack other active players unless provoked. We have instituted a ranking system to allow players more room for advancement, and have also begun recognizing players for certain accomplishments within the game to try to promote interest and keep players focused on continual growth.
The '''Grey Wolves''' Alliance is a rapidly growing and highly-ranked peaceful alliance that does not attack other active players unless provoked. We have instituted a ranking system to allow players more room for advancement, and have also begun recognizing players for certain accomplishments within the game to try to promote interest and keep players focused on continual growth.

Revision as of 21:39, 9 July 2010

Alliance Name: Grey Wolves
Alliance Tag: GreyWolf

The Grey Wolves Alliance is a rapidly growing and highly-ranked peaceful alliance that does not attack other active players unless provoked. We have instituted a ranking system to allow players more room for advancement, and have also begun recognizing players for certain accomplishments within the game to try to promote interest and keep players focused on continual growth.


The Grey Wolves are a top 200 alliance, and climbing steadily.


The Grey Wolves Alliance is home to approximately 200 members as of July 1, 2010. We are also actively recruiting players of any rank in all galaxies, regardless of experience.

Any player who wishes to play peacefully and adhere to the Grey Wolves' guidelines is welcome to join our alliance.

Click here to join The Grey Wolves

Senior Officers

  • General - Rez Caladon
  • Lieutenant General - Tavinator
  • Major General - Commander 9 of 12
  • Brigadier General - Commander 1255456
  • Colonel - Vitameatavegamin
  • Colonel - Collins Jr.

Rules and Guidelines

These are the guidelines for the Grey Wolves alliance.

1. The Grey Wolves are a peaceful alliance. Members are only to attack inactive worlds without provocation for the purpose of harvesting resources or clearing worlds for colonization. Members are not to attack active worlds without provocation under any circumstances. A probe does not constitute provocation, and may only merit the response of sending a probe and/or sending a message to the probing party to establish contact & determine the party's intentions.

2. If members are attacked, they are free to retaliate with any and all force necessary to counterstrike the opponent & recover resources. However, it is highly recommended that the member take into account the attacker's strength and alliances (if any). If aid is needed it may be requested of other members, but is not guaranteed as other members may have their resources committed to other ventures or may be out of range to lend support.

3. If members wish to exit the alliance, they may do so without repercussions. If someone decides to leave the alliance, they will not be attacked for this action. They are only subject to attack if they leave to join an enemy alliance, are ejected for violating the guidelines of the alliance, become inactive, or attack members of the alliance.

4. Members who are determined to be inactive may be attacked by other members of the alliance for the purpose of allowing the alliance to harvest resources from their inactive worlds. If members plan to be gone and don't wish to be attacked, it is highly recommended they notify the alliance of their intentions & set their game to diplomacy (if they will be gone less than 1 week) or vacation mode (if they will be gone for a week or longer) for the duration of their absence. Members who intend to quit playing altogether are recommended to notify the alliance of this so they may be ejected from the alliance immediately. Only if the alliance is notified that a member will quit playing altogether may that member's planet(s) be attacked while still active without provocation.

5. Members enter the group with a default rank of Second Lieutenant. Members may be promoted by reaching certain ranks within the game (50,000, 25,000, or 10,000) or by completing the Officer Application Requirements (OAR) and applying for higher officer status with the General or Lieutenant General. Your achievements in attaining high-level rankings are something to be proud of, and will be recognized in the alliance's promotions thread.

6. As with any group that offers promotions, there is also the possibility of demotions. Demotions will not be announced as promotions are, and may not be due to anything more than a drop in your rating. For example, if you achieve a ranking under 25,000, you are entitled to a promotion to the rank of Captain. However, if your rating goes above 25,000 for an extended period of time, you may be downgraded back to First Lieutenant until such time as you improve your rating. Once you have worked to improve your standings again, your rank will be returned.

NOTE: These guidelines are subject to change to consider feedback by the members & officers of the Grey Wolves. Requests for changes must be formally submitted and will be considered for implementation at the leadership's earliest convenience.


These are the current officer ranks and minimum requirements.

FIRST LIEUTENANT: Any member with rank better than 50,000
CAPTAIN: Any member with rank better than 25,000
MAJOR: Any member with rank better than 10,000
LIEUTENANT COLONEL: Any member who completes OAR*
COLONEL: Any member under 50,000 who completes OAR
BRIGADIER GENERAL: Any member under 25,000 who completes OAR
MAJOR GENERAL: Any member under 10,000 who completes OAR
LIEUTENANT GENERAL: By General Order only
GENERAL: There can be only one.

*OAR = Officer Application Requirements.

Non-Aggression Pacts (NAPs)

Grey Wolves welcome all peaceful relations, regardless of a player's strength or the size of their alliance. Alliances which enter into an NAP with the Grey Wolves agree to the following terms:

1. Members shall not attack or probe active members of the either alliance. And attack on any active player within either alliance shall be considered in violation of the terms of the NAP, and must be dealt with by the offending player's alliance.

2. Reparations of at least 100% of the damages, including lost ships, defenses, and resources must be paid to the victim, and an apology issued by the offending player, or the alliance must take action, including possibly expelling the offending player from its ranks.

3. Attacks on inactive players of either alliance are considered fair play and are exempt from these conditions.

4. Resource trading and group defense are welcome activities, so long as any battles do not violate other standing NAPs. These activities are voluntary and may be pursued at each individual player's discretion.

5. Should either alliance choose to dissolve the NAP, written notice shall be given at least 48 hours prior to dissolution.