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<!-- Do NOT remove the {{Sandbox}} template on this page. Please start your editing below this line -->
\ Stardate \ 1043:14-3 \ (Military Calender)
\ From: FleetComm HQ \ Vice Admiral Leonord \ Research and Development \
\ To: CODENAME: Cloak and Dagger\
\ Title: "Requested Notes on the Mk7 P.A.C. (Pulse Accelerator Cannon)." \
\ Encryption key: (Black) \ EYES ONLY \
\ Personal Note \
Gentlemen, I was surprised to see that Navy Intelligence is interested in this particular project's technology, but orders are orders.
\ Begin File \
"The Pulse Accelerator Cannon (hereafter referred to as P.A.C.) utilizes hyperactive nuclear superconductors to generate massive amounts of Electromagnetic Energy (upwards of 900,000 gt.). The obvious question is that what projectile could possibly survive such intense energy?
Well we have been experimenting with polarized tritanium and crystallized argon slugs. However both have been vaporized by the intense thrust.
As you already know, lowering the P.A.C.'s power is impossible without causing a Claudian Neutron Field meltdown (See Madrigal Asteroid Field Damage Report).
This is a potentially unrivaled weapon if we could only develop a workable projectile, and an independent power supply (devoting an entire Battle Cruiser's reactor compliment isn't ideal for combat).
Research continues, hopefully a breakthrough in particle research will yield a workable pseudo-element dense enough to survive. But as you know, Navy Intel. is in charge of particle tech, and they will likely keep such discoveries to themselves.
Dr. Stanislaus Porle Ph.D and team."
\ End File \

Revision as of 05:42, 10 November 2010