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(About The Q Continuum)
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Revision as of 20:13, 13 September 2010

The Q


The Q started out as Smokions in SFC and moved to SFCX; while in the orignal we were considered "the good guys" we decided in SFCX to be "the bad guys". Our goal was to move up in rank and become a feared/hated alliance and were successful for a while. During the time in SFCX the SE memebers wanted to break off to have more freedom and to continue in a different direction than we were under the Smokion name. For a brief time we were called R*P*B but then decided on the name Q and all chose Q names to add to the confusion, mayhem and anonymity.


Becomming a member of the Q means taking a Q name and accepting the fact that we don't take alliance NAP's anymore. We keep a pirate motif where everyone is food, but play the game for fun. Part of the fun is making citations to those who have left their fleet/res out a little too long and got caught. Hopefully you have read on that has made you laugh.

We have a top 50 team overall with 20 members and are always recruiting loyal people. For the newbs and those switching alliances we have "q" which is our training/proving ground before moving into "Q"


Take everything give nothing back

Q Quotes

"Where do we send the Dions? LOL"

Best Citation given for the month